Book Review: Graciousness; Tempering Truth with Love

If you were to ask a person what is the greatest problem with the world right now it could probably be summed up by the fact that no one loves their neighbor as he/she would like to be loved. Or put another way no one is gracious with anyone else.

This book is a much needed wake-up call for believers who need to be reminded that Christ’s imperatives (what we are called to do) are the only result of the indicatives (what He has done for us) affecting our lives.

This book is easily accessible for all readers, but I think it will find a nice niche in the Christian Living section, where people no matter whether they have had a seminary education or have had a Sunday School education, all will find this book immensely helpful and fruitful.

The book has two sections the first lays out the Biblical mandate for graciousness in all walks of life. No matter what the person has done or not done to you, no matter where that person is or is from, no matter whether they love or hate you, all are worthy of our graciousness. This idea graciousness is intrinsically attached to our being all being made in God’s image and His call for us to love our neighbors as ourselves.  The second section deals with practical ways to live this concept out. I found this section to be one part encouraging, one part enlightening and one part convicting, making a well rounded approach to the living out of the commands to be gracious.

In conclusion, I give this book five stars, it is an easy read in that it is accessible, but it is a difficult read because it will not allow you to skate on by and keep the same level of ungraciousness (yup I made that word up) that is so common in our world today. Highest recommendation.

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